
Top 05 Secrets of the World - 02

.........................................................Top 05 Secrets of the World ............................................................

 01. Adolf hitler 

History tells that on 30th April 1945, adolf hitler killed himself in his underground bunker. Is this really true? Or did the soviets lie to the world? Evidence from the new declassified FBI documents shows that the government had information that Hitler was alive after World War II. He was supposedly living in the Andes Mountains.

02. Coca Cola Formulae 

Did you know that the formulae for making coca cola are one of the most highly guarded top secret in the world? It is so top secret that the company had to cancel its operation in India because it would have been forced to provide their ingredient formula to the government. The company also stalled a divorce case when a wife to one of the heirs demanded his grandfather’s original formula for coca cola. The company made sure that the notes were not handed to her because the formula which would eventually be revealed to the world. In fact, only few employees know the ingredients for making coca cola. Only two employees at a time are allowed to know the secret formulae. These few employees have to swear by an oath that they would protect the information and keep it a secret by all means necessary 

03. U.S. Nuclear Secrets 

Perhaps, this is notably the most highly protected information in the world. The nuclear facilities by themselves are a secret and only specific people know where they are located. The nuclear launch codes are the most secretive information of the U.S. government, such that only top officials in the U.S. department of defense have access to these codes. The amount of nuclear weapons and the type of nuclear weapon that USA possesses remain undisclosed to the public. The public will never get to know of the nuclear information.

As a super power, it is clearly understandable why the U.S government keeps the information a secret. Anyone who can access the information by illegal means will certainly put his life in danger. The information is highly guarded for security purpose against any rival nuclear country. This poses a big concern of what would happen if a nuclear war emerged. God forbid!

04. The Dancing Plague of 1518 

Reading about it seems like it's a story. In the summer of 1518, a woman in Strasbourg started to dance in a terrible way on the road. From day to night, her dancing does not stop at night. Within a week, 34 other women also started to dance with her. Seeing them As if a soul has settled inside them. There was no reason to dance or no special occasion. The number of dancing women reached 400 in a month. Religious priests and people were called upon to take control of the situation. Doctors and scientists were also called 

The condition of many women started to worsen. Even many women have dancing and dancing. After this, wooden stages were made for them and a separate hall was built. The people felt that the situation of women doing dancing would be improved only when they would dance night and day. Many theories were given behind this incident. Poison, epilepsy, collective mental illness, many reasons have been told and tried several ways, but a satisfactory answer to this historic event has not been received till date. 

05. Oil deposits location in USA 


The location of the exact mining for oil remains a top government secret in the U.S. But how does the government keep it a secret? Rumors has it that once oil deposits are found on your land and you report it, the government will then buy the land and you have to swear to keep the location a secret. The reason why the locations are kept a secret is to prevent the rich individuals from purchasing the lands to build their own wells and make big chunks of money from the oil. Thus, the information regarding the location of oil deposits is kept top secret by the U.S government.


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