
The Happiest Facts Ever - 02


10 Of The Happiest Facts Ever 

Bad news sells, so the media tends to focus on the negative things and ignores some of the things that make the world a better place. That’s why we want to share this list of   10 happy facts to remind you about the Dreamworld of life.

01. A 100-Year-Old Tortoise Named Diego Single-Handedly Saved his Own Species from Extinction by Fathering 800 Offspring 



02. Rats Laugh When Tickled. 



03. In Welsh Folklore, Corgis Were the Preferred Method of Transportation for Fairies. 




04. A Loin,Tiger,and Bear have been living as BFFS at a Georgia refuge for over a Decade.In 2001, They were Rescued from a Basement During a Drug raid, and They've been Inseparable ever Since. 



05. Humpback Whales Protect other Animals from Killer Whales,But Nobody knows Why. 

The most logical biological explanation for the humpbacks' vigilante-like behavior is that the whales receive some sort of benefit from interfering with orca hunts. For instance, orcas are known to attack humpbacksand the whales are most vulnerable when they are young.Once fully grown, though, a single humpback is large enough to take on an entire pod of killer whales.So perhaps the “rescuing” behavior has evolved as a way to help the species get through its weakest life stage, with humpbacks charging in when they think a young whale is at risk.There’s also a good chance that the calf under attack is related to the whales coming to its rescue.



06. When Rabbits Get Really Happy they Start to Jump Around. This Move is called a Binky. 



07. OWLS Keep Little Snake as their Pets. 



08. Opossums help Protect us from Lyme Disease. 



09. There's a Spider that uses its Gymnastics Skills to Cartwheel away Whenever it Senses Danger. 



10. Mama Dolphins Sing to their Babies in the Womb. 



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