
The Happiest Facts Ever - 01

 10 Of The Happiest Facts Ever 

Bad news sells, so the media tends to focus on the negative things and ignores some of the things that make the world a better place. That’s why we want to share this list of 10 happy facts to remind you about the dreamworld of life.
Everything started when a Reddit user asked others to post fun facts that made them happy. This list snowballed because people couldn’t get enough of random facts about people and the world that make them smile. Later, Buzzfeed took this list and matched it to pictures adding a couple of new interesting facts. Now, we’re having a go at improving it by adding a couple of our own finds.
What’s better than knowing a random fun fact that somewhere out there in the world, Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by...., sea otters are holding hands, and that there are monkeys in Japan that buy snacks from vending machines with change? Scroll down below for more of these not-so-general knowledge facts!

1. Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their acorns.

2. Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart.

3. Macaques in Japan use coins to buy vending machine snacks.

4. In China, killing a Panda is punishable by death.

5. Dolphins have names for each other.

6. Puffins mate for life. They make their homes on cliff sides and even leave some separate room for their toilet.

7. When playing with female puppies, male puppies will often let them win, even if they have a physical advantage.

8. Google, the periodic table, the structure of our DNA, and “Yesterday” by the Beatles are all ideas that were conceived in dreams.

9. Turtles can breathe through their butts.

10. The elements that we are composed of were formed in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are all made of stardust.

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